Let’s Make: A Clone Game

DayZ was originally developed as a mod to the game Arma 2 by one of Arma 2’s developers named Dean Hall. He developed the mod because he wanted to put players in a survival situation, but more than that he wanted to challenge gaming conventions by creating an “anti-game.” DayZ brought frustrating gameplay and a lack of […]

Code: Running a CS: GO Server

Running a Counter-Strike: Global Offensive server has been streamlined to the point that the most technically difficult part of the process is enabling port-forwarding on your router. Technically, you could even run your server without the use of port forwarding, but then only the computers on your subnet will be able to reach it (and […]

Playing it Well: Skyrim

Skyrim was a great game experience. Having recently come off the high of Elder Scrolls: Oblivion I was skeptical of the gameplay at first. Controls were altered, my role in story arc was drastically different, and the graphics were improved so much that I wonder if the developers had decided to shirk the story to […]